I'm sure we all have a friend who has a child who is just so good at memorizing scripture or knowing and understanding Biblical stories. You've heard them say,"I think I might have a preacher on my hands." I am always amazed at these children. I think it is wonderful that they love the Word of God at such a young age. I am also so impressed by the parents. I figure they must be such good spiritual leaders and examples to their children. Something I should aspire to be.
So - after saying this you will understand my pride when I tell you what Trace did today. First you must know that my son is OBSESSED with Superheros right now. Life is all about Spiderman, Superman, Batman, Flash Gordon, Hulk, Wonder Woman and even the Wonder Twins (remember them???). In order to let Trace get some Biblical teaching with this superhero craze we introduced him to Bibleman via DVD. Yes, my friends Christians do have their own hero to defend our virtues and morals.
Needless to say Trace loves Bibleman and I'm good with that. I'm good that when he starts sword fighting with me he says that he is using the Sword of the Spirit. I good that he breaks out his pirate shield and that becomes his Breastplate of Righteousness. I'm good that Bibleman is teaching him Bible verses.
I must also tell you that Trace is really good at memorizing the script in movies. Not just little bits here and there but whole monologues. He is so mucn like his daddy and Aunt DaDa.
Now I can tell you why I'm so proud. You see this morning Trace was watching Bibleman defeat the enemy once more. At the end of the DVD Bibleman teaches the prayer of salvation. He tells the kids that if they want to ask Jesus into their heart that they should pray with him. At this point I heard my four-year-old saying the prayer quickly - faster than Bibleman. I was so amazed that he had memorized the prayer. I thought to myself "Is this really happening? Has Bibleman been the tool that would change my son forever? Is Trace really old enough to understand?"
Well, all those questions were answered in the next breath when I heard Trace say, "I said it faster than Bibleman. I win and he loses."
Whatever spiritual high I was on in that brief moment was quickly shot down. All I can say is this - if I have a preacherman on my hands then God has a lot of work to do!!!
Skating around
6 years ago
Oh my.
Trace strikes again. If he's not a future preacher, I think he could have some success as a comedian. These stories keep me in stitches!
Girl, I can't help but laugh at this! It sounds about right for boys his age, everything is a competition. Hey, what about bible drill classes when he is older, that might make up for his urge for speediness.
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